
Sacred Women's Circle with Narelle

Welcome to our next beautiful fortnightly women's circle:

Friday September 6 @ 7 pm - 9 pm

Gentle yoga, relaxation & restorative sound

A place within community for women of all ages and stages in life. offering space to re-establish equilibrium.

Women coming together in sacred space offers much healing power.

Simply and elegantly guided, we lightly discuss and engage in traditional self care practice.

Bring yourself in comfy clothing; all else provided.
Good company, loving intention = positive change

$49 (pre-paid registration) 

Limited places

Narelle 0412 182 202

Booking + payment here,

or direct deposit:

Palmyra Yoga Shala

BSB 086 217

ACC 428 576 908


AGNIYOGANA Film Screening

Yoga documentary by Emma Balnaves

Saturday Oct 19

5 pm (introduction + 1 hour film + conclusion and tea..)

$5 (all proceeds to charity)

Includes tea and light vegetarian meal afterward

Bookings to Narelle


Easy Peasy Beauty

Facial Workshops

Saturday September 7

Saturday September 28

3 pm – 4 pm, $30

Hands-on Ayurvedic Home-made Skin Care

Facial compress, cleanse, personalised mask + guided relaxation

Safe, calming, restorative.

Bookings to Narelle



(within Shoppe Open time)

Monday, Wednesdays, Fridays

noon – 3 pm

Come and enjoy a cuppa + chat, or quiet private time, along with your current handicraft project


One-hour Private Sessions

Available with Narelle, by appointment 0412 182 202

Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays

11:30 am

1:00 pm

2:00 pm